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Is Rest a Dirty Word in Your Life?

"...many will run to and fro

Now Jacob's well was there. Jesus, thererfore, being wearied with His journey, sat thus on the well: and it was about the sixth hour (John 4:6).

Our Lord took His apostles aside when they were fatigued, and said, "Let us rest awhile." He never drove overtired faculties. When tired, "He sat by the well." He used to go and rest in the home of Martha and Mary after the fatigue of working in Jerusalem. The Scripture shows it was His custom. He tells us all-you, and me, and all-to let tomorrow take care of itself, and merely to meet the evil of the present day.

As Elijah slept under a juniper tree, an angel touched him and said, "Arise and eat." God had sent His wearied servant to sleep. In his overwrought condition sleep was his greatest need, and it is precisely under such conditions that sleep is often wooed in vain. Are we ever astonished at the miracle of sleep? Remember you have to do with the same God who ministered to Elijah, and

Though thy way be long and dreary,

Eagle strength He'll still renew.

Mrs. Charles E. Cowman - Springs in the Valley

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