My friend wrote to me about two American missionaries
who landed in England on their way to America. They had
six children, and they were very poor. Two of the children
had typhoid and died. A third was so ill that her mother
dared not leave her, even to see the other little ones laid in
their graves. There were other difficulties and sorrowful
circumstances, but in telling my friend of it all, that mother's
face shone though it was wet with tears. She said: 'It was all
right. When God took full possession of me, He put an
everlasting Amen to His Will down in the bottom of my soul'.
We are in the midst of much smaller troubles, but our
perplexities can be very perplexing sometimes, and the devil
tries to break in upon our peace. Let us ask our God to put
an everlasting Amen to His Will down in the bottom of our
souls. And let us ask Him to keep it there.
Whispers of His Power by
Amy Carmichael