Israel was reborn as a nation on May 14, 1948. From that
day until now, the issue of Israel has been a continual source
of controversy. What is the Arab-Israeli Conflict? The answer
is found in Genesis. Abraham had two sons, Isaac and Ishmael.
Isaac, the son of promise, received the birthright, but Ishmael
lost his inheritance. It's about birthright. The children of Isaac
returned to their inheritance. The children of Ishmael claimed
the land that was given to Isaac. Harboring the bitterness and
anger of Ishmael has brought great harm to their lives. When
you carry resentment, harbor unforgiveness, feed self-pity, and
bitterness, you hurt yourself more than anyone else and bring a
curse on all that you do. Messiah said, "Forgive and you shall be
forgiven." Is there unforgiveness, anger or bitterness in your life?
Have you been wronged, mistreated, overlooked? Forget it. God
hasn't treated you wrong or overlooked you. God has treated
you better than you ever deserved. Forgive, let go, and move on
with your life. Harbor no bitterness, and your life will be free
from the curse of Ishmael and covered with the blessing of Isaac.
Hope Of The World - Sapphires
Jonathan Cahn