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by Charles Spurgeon

God Feeds Them-Luke 12:24

The Lord has laid many burdens on me, and I

sometimes grow weary. Then the Holy Spirit leads

me to understand that I can do nothing by myself.

All I have to be is God's obedient servant, His ready

instrument, and then I can leave every care with Him.

Then peace returns and my thoughts become free and

vigorous. My soul throws its burdens aside; runs without

weariness and walks without fainting.

I am sure, my dear fellow servant, that life will break

you unless you learn the habit of leaning on Jesus. Do

not be afraid to lean too much. There has never been a

saint blamed for possessing too much faith. There has

never been a child of God scolded by the Divine Father

for having placed too implicit a reliance on His promises.....

"Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today

is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more

clothe you, O you of little faith?" (Matt. 6:28-30)

Give your cares to Him who cares for the ravens and for the flowers

of the field. Rest assured that He will also care for you.

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