While you were sleeping
Yeshua whispered in your ear,
"Sleep on My dear one
There's nothing to fear.
I've called you to Me before the world began
And I will never ever let go of your hand.
There's no one quite like you
No one can take your place
I formed you for a purpose so finish the race.
Don't grow weary and fall by the way
Just bow your heart and remember to pray.
To keep temptation from you, and evil out of your heart
My angels will rush to you as soon as your prayer starts.
The demons will slither off because they know you're free
Purchased by My blood I shed on the cross of Mount Calvary.
Lie still and know I AM
And I will accomplish My perfect plan.
There's a new world coming that will be a sight to see
There you will behold Me in My Majesty.
You will live in a mansion and walk on streets of gold
There will be no curse, no sea, no night, nor cold.
Oh, what a sight!
You will see God The Father and Me The Eternal Light.
You will drink from the river of life and eat from My tree
And sing out with the saints and angels, 'Worthy is He'.
So sleep deeply dear one,
Sleep and rest still
All will go well just as I say it will."