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"Obedience always brings blessing"

Willing to Change

We have heard people say, "What's in a name?" The answer to this famous question is very important from God's perspective. Names often reflect something about us, and Jesus chose the names He gave His disciples wisely. Peter's original name was Simon Barjona (or son of Jonah). The name Peter comes from the Greek "Petros", meaning, "rock" or "stone". He was faithful and steady and though he was also impetuous, impulsive, brash, outspoken, loud, self-confident, and even arrogant-he was rock-solid in his love for Jesus.

Why would the Savior pick a man who at one point denied knowing Him (Matt. 26:69-75)? For the same reason He picks us. He sees potential in our lives. Though we fail, He knows what our lives contain, and He wants to transform our brokenness and faults for His use (1 Cor. 1:26-31 ; 2 Cor. 12:9,10).

We can learn an awesome lesson about faithfulness by studying the life of Peter. What we will find is this: his most compelling characteristic wasn't impulsiveness or outspokenness, but his willingness to change and, in Jesus' hands, to become a person mightily used by God.

What's in a name? Today it isn't so important what we are called-just that we hear and obey when God calls us.

Charles F. Stanley

Life Principles Bible

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